Shashvath Fabrication and Engineerings
The filter press is a solid liquid separation device using the principle of pressure feeding. It is highly efficient, compact, dewatering device for separating solids from liquid slurries in the form of compressed cake. It has wide range of applications by several industries like Pharma, bulk drugs, distilleries, beverages & other industries.
The unfiltered liquid is fed into the filter under positive pressure, where liquid travels in downwards direction and finds its way through opening on sides of the Filter Plates. As the liquid pressure increases, the Filter media holds the foreign particles and allows only clear filtrate to pass through the central channel formed by interlocking pressure cups to the outlet. Filtration is continued until the cake holding capacity of the unit is reached or until the filtrate rate becomes too slow owing to cake resistance.
Filtration area and cake holding capacity have been computed for standard models 8″, 14″, 18″ and 33″ Ø.
The values of “Flow-Rates” mentioned in technical specifications have been estimated for the following operating parameters:
The actual flow-rate will differ from the estimated value depending on the operating variables.